#1671 Manufacturer Ranking
95 products

About Holzschuh Verlag

Company Headquarters Germany
Available from us since 2003
Items in stock 93
Ø Availability 95.31% (1 Year)

The head office of the company Musikverlag Holzschuh VHR is in Manching (D).

At the moment we have 92 Holzschuh Verlag products - 89 of them are . We've been selling Holzschuh Verlag products since 2003, so for over 21 year(s).

At the moment 27 Holzschuh Verlag products are top sellers at Thomann, amongst others in the following categories Schools For Recorder , Accordion Songbooks, Classical Cello Sheet Music and Accordion Schools.

An absolute best seller of the brand is the following product Holzschuh Verlag Jede Menge Flötentöne 1. We have sold already over 3.000 of these.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.

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