#404 Manufacturer Ranking
48 products

About Cascha

Available from us since 2017
Items in stock 47
Ø Availability 87.21% (1 Year)

At the moment we have 45 Cascha products in our product range - 44 of them are available in stock . Thomann has been selling Cascha products since 2017.

With a total of 1288 media, reviews and test reports about Cascha products you will find a substantial amount of additional information on our website e.g. the following 467 product pictures, 106 sample sounds and 715 customer reviews.

At the moment you will find Cascha top sellers in the following product categories Concert Ukuleles, Soprano Ukuleles, Classical Guitar Sets and Tenor Ukuleles.

An absolute best seller of the brand is the following product Cascha Premium Mahagoni Sopran. We have sold already over 10.000 of these.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.cascha.com

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